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Scandyna Micropod SE

Scandyna Micropod SE
alaScore 86

59 reviews

Jun, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 59 reviews of Scandyna Micropod SE. The average rating for this product is 4.1/5, compared to an average rating of 4.3/5 for other products in the same category for all reviews. People really like the sound and size. The usability and price also get good feedback.

design, price, usability, size, sound

We analyzed user and expert ratings, product age and more factors. Compared to other products in the same category the Scandyna Micropod SE is awarded an overall alaScore™ of 86/100 = Very good quality.

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Consumer review ( review summary for Scandyna Micropod SE


alaTest has collected and analyzed 5 user reviews of Scandyna Micropod SE from The average user rating for this product is 4.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.4/5 for other products in the same category on Reviewers are impressed by the sound and usability. The size and price also get good views.

design, price, size, usability, sound

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Jun, 2024

Expert review by : Danny Phillips (

Scandyna Micropod SE and The Ball


With its funky design, Scandyna's Micropod system is an aural and visual treat.

Stunning, unforgettable design ; Superb build quality ; Impressive sound

Slightly shouty at times ; Spikes awkward to fit

The eye candy continues with The Ball subwoofer, which shares the high-quality glossy finish (with the same choice of colours), robust build quality and compact design. As the name suggests, it’s (almost) spherical in shape and like the sats, it is...

Dec, 2011

Expert review by : staff (

Scandyna Micropod SE review


Add some style to your desktop audio

Distinctive looks ; Good at what they're meant to do

Expensive ; Best left as desktop speakers

Cute, tiny desktop pods, a flying saucer for an amp and a conga drum subwoofer make for superb stereo sound

Oct, 2007

Expert review by (

Scandyna Micropod SE


Scandyna is really into desktop audio. For PC and Mac users in particular, this Micropod SE 2.1 system offers far better sound quality than any regular computer speaker set-up and can even be used as good traditional end-of-the-room stereo

Distinctive looks, Good at what they're meant to do

Expensive, Best left as desktop speakers

Cute, tiny desktop pods, a flying saucer for an amp and a conga drum subwoofer make for superb stereo sound

Oct, 2007

Expert review by : Dr. Macenstein (

Review: Scandyna MicroPod SE speakers and dock for iPod


In looking over my recent speaker reviews, I've noticed that I have given out quite a few 8 and 9 out of 10 ratings… well, prepare yourself for yet another. It seems as though speaker technology has gotten so good in recent years that it's almost...

Excellent audio quality, eye catching design and color choices, option to add a subwoofer to really annoy the neighbors

Micropods require separate amp (upping their price), the dock is a little on the expensive side, skimpy on extras

If money is not object, the Micropod SE line of speakers by Scandyna is a great system which can be expanded to fill any size room (or budget). Be warned however, the SE’s require the purchase of an additional amp, so their ’00 price tag is a bit...

Apr, 2008

Price comparison for Scandyna Micropod SE

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