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Asus G70

Asus G70
alaScore -1

3 reviews

Jul, 2024

alaTest has collected and analyzed 3 reviews from magazines and websites. Comments about the image quality and screen are generally positive. The size and design are also appreciated. The touchpad and battery get less positive opinions.

performance, design, size, screen, image quality

price, battery, touchpad

See all ASUS Laptop Computers

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(Based on 3 reviews)

3 expert reviews

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Expert review by : Joe Martin (

Asus G70


The Asus G70 gaming laptop is one of the most spectacular looking laptops we've ever seen, boasting SLI graphics cards and all manner of cool features. But can it stand apart in the hardware and gaming performance tests as well though?

It’s hard to make any really final judgements about the Asus G70 because the entire product is a mix of pros and cons depending on personal tastes. Everything from the overall aesthetic right down to the choice of system components is likely to split...

Aug, 2008

Expert review by : X-bit labs (

"Multi Dual Engine": ASUS G70S Gaming Notebook Review


“Multi Dual Engine” slogan very nicely described the constructive peculiarities of the new ASUS gaming machine: two cores, two graphics cards, two hard drives, two 2GB memory modules, even two screens!

Stylish gaming design, High performance in any applications, SLI technology for high gaming performance, Rich accessories, Good cooling system, TV-tuner together with a remote control, Large disk space, High-quality speakers, Blu-ray optical drive, 4GB...

Glassy” matrix, Short battery life, Touchpad’s multimedia mode can be turned on accidentally, 1GB of system memory can’t be utilized in 32-bit versions of Windows, High price

Dec, 2008

Price comparison for Asus G70